How to Write Competency Demonstration Report?

An engineering candidate whose aim is to get a skilled migration visa or permanent residency (PR) in Australia has to go through a migration skills assessment. One has to lodge a competency demonstration report (CDR) for skill assessment in order to get approval from Engineers Australia for skilled Australian immigration. Hence, a CDR application is mandatory for engineering aspirants who want their skilled immigration to Australia. You are required to demonstrate your engineering talent and knowledge in the nominated occupation through your CDR application. It is the leading assessing body, Engineers Australia (EA) that assesses your competency demonstration report to check whether you meet the required competency elements in the nominated occupation or not.

Where can you get CDR Writing Services in Australia?

As you know a CDR is a technical document, it requires you to put in a great effort, invest an ample amount of time, and plan properly to write it effectively. However, it has always been a challenging job for engineering applicants, so they seek CDR Writing Services. If you are also stuck with your CDR, you can visit our website AustraliaCDRHelp.Com to get the most effective and credible services. We offer a one-stop CDR solution that can benefit you a lot in your report preparation. We are associated with a great team of professional writers to assist you in framing your CDR report for Engineers Australia. We are the renowned and exemplary CDR Writing Services providers in Australia.

Steps that you must follow to prepare your CDR report for Engineers Australia

A CDR is a lengthy report that requires lots of information together with various documents. You must cater to the following steps to prepare your CDR application perfectly:

  • First of all, keep all your personal documentation ready such as; a passport-style photograph, prime identification, English language test results, CV/Resume, and name change documents.
  • Nominate your preferred occupational category (professional engineer, engineering technologist, engineering associate, and engineering manager).
  • Furthermore, prepare your academic certificates, official transcripts, and any other relevant academic documentation.
  • You must produce documentary evidence of employment if you base your career episodes on engineering work experiences.
  • Prepare the three elements of a CDR; three career episodes, a summary statement, and a CPD.
  • After the preparation of all the above documents, you can lodge your CDR application for skills assessment.

How to write career episodes perfectly for skills assessment?

A career episode defines your engineering education and/or work experiences. Each career episode focuses on different aspects of your engineering activity. In each episode, you have to demonstrate how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation. Each career episode may be based on the following:

  • An engineering activity or task that you have undertaken as a part of your educational program;
  • A project that you have been involved with or are currently working on that;
  • A specific position that you held or currently hold;
  • A particular engineering problem that you have solved by applying your engineering skills.

Steps need to be followed to prepare a compelling career episode

  • You must write your career episodes in the English language and in your own words.
  • You should include credible and ample engineering evidence to support each career episode.
  • Each narrative should be a minimum of 1000 and a maximum of 2500 words.
  • Each career episode must display the application of your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation.
  • You must number each paragraph within each career episode as this is required to prepare a summary statement.
  • Each career episode should contain the same format (introduction, background, personal engineering activity, and summary).

How to frame a summary statement?

Once you have accomplished your career episodes, you have to analyze them to make sure you have addressed all the competency elements for the nominated occupation. Your analysis result must be demonstrated in your summary statement. The summary statement cross-references your key competency elements along with the particular paragraph of the career episode where they occur. You must download and frame the summary statement for your nominated occupational category.

List your Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

You have to provide a list of all your relevant CPDs in a table format (title, date, duration, location, and organizer). A CDR is a means by which you keep yourself up-to-date with the development in your engineering field after completing your undergraduate qualification. Your CPD may consist of the following details:

  • Formal post-graduation qualification
  • Workshops, short courses, discussion groups, seminars, technical inspections, and technical meetings you attended or visited
  • Conferences you attended and at which you delivered papers
  • Private study of books, manuals, journals, etc.