CDR Assessment

CDR pathway Engineers Australia is essential for those candidates who have a dream of becoming an engineer in Australia country. For instance; if you are an engineer and want to get job opportunities here, you must go through a migration skills assessment (MSA).
For CDR skills assessment, you need to lodge a new application to EA portal, which is a government approved engineering assessing body in Australia. It is required by migrants engineering skills and knowledge in the nominated occupation.

We at AustraliaCDRHelp.Com fulfill the requirements of Engineers Australia protocol mentioned in MSA booklet. We have team of experienced engineers for different domain and deliver an excellent report with free reworking.

CDR Assessment Help – Get Guidelines And Protocols

We offer CDR assessment help for migrants engineers from any country to Australia via (competency demonstration report) CDR pathway for Engineers Australia. Our CDR writers in Australia are available for preparing assessment report for qualification (degree) and skills for visa and PR processing.

CDR Career Episodes Writing

You are required to illustrate three career episodes from distinct aspects of your engineering activities. Career episodes are an account of your engineering education and work experiences. You should write career episodes in an essay form and should be formatted in the following ways:

  • Introduction: The introduction should be impressive and introduce the readers to the career episodes. It includes the chronology, the geographical location of the work, and the name of the organization.
  • Background: It creates the scene and gives the context in which you have been studying or working. It includes the nature of the overall engineering projects, the objectives of the project, the nature of the particular work area, a statement of your duties, and a chart of the organizational structure highlighting your position.
  • Personal Engineering Activity: This is the main body and key assessable part of your career episode. In this section, you need to illustrate the actual work performed by you. It includes; how you applied your engineering competence and knowledge, how you went about completing the assigned tasks, and strategies that you devised to solve complex activities.
  • Summary: This section summarizes your impressions of the engineering activity and your role in it. You should include your view of the overall project and how your personal role contributed to the project.
CDR Summary Statement (SS) Writing

Once, you have written all three career episodes, you should analyze them to ensure whether you have addressed all the competency elements for the nominated occupation or not.

You must demonstrate the analysis result in your summary statement. Your summary statement must highlight all your key competency elements.
CDR CPD Writing

You must provide a list of CPD in a tabular format (title, date, duration, location, and organizer) and include the following details:

  • Conferences you attended and where you delivered papers;
  • Seminars, workshops, short courses, discussion groups, technical inspections, and technical meetings;
  • Preparation and presentation of material for conferences, courses, seminars and symposia;
  • Post-graduation study details;
  • Private study of your books, journals, manuals, etc.

CDR Pathway Engineers Australia

A CDR (competency demonstration report) is a technical document that requires you to devote sufficient time. It comprises
  1. A CPD,
  2. Three Career Episodes (CEs), and
  3. A Summary Statement (SS).
While writing such elements you need to comply with all the guidelines/protocols and procedures. This report is prepared to demonstrate one’s engineering knowledge in the nominated occupation for migration skills assessment by Engineers Australia. Before you initiate your writing, you need to nominate one of the following occupational categories that are divided by Engineers Australia:
  • Professional Engineer
  • Engineering Technologist
  • Engineering Associate
  • Engineering Manager
After nominating your preferred occupation, you have to demonstrate your technical knowledge and understanding applicable to your discipline. Moreover, you need to prepare other documentation and attach them to your CDR application. Some of the documentations are:
  • Recent passport-size photograph
  • Prime identification document
  • Academic degree certificates
  • Official academic transcripts
  • Resume/curriculum vitae
  • English language test results
  • Evidence of employment (if applicable)

Other Related Link: CDR Writers Australia