CDR Report

A (competency demonstration report) CDR plays a crucial role in the migrations skills or qualifications/degree assessment which is held by Engineers Australia (assessing body). It means you have to mandatorily prepare a engineering CDR for migration skills assessment (MSA) if you want to settle in Australia country as an engineer.

Through a Engineers Australia CDR Report, you are required to demonstrate your engineering knowledge and skills in the nominated occupation category. Engineers Australia (EA) is a professional assessing body that reviews engineers competency elements to decide whether to approve or not.

We at AustraliaCDRHelp.Com has 500+ professionals in different engineering domains to ensure high grade assessment report to get positive outcome from EA.

Writing CDR Report Engineers Australia (EA)

Engineering CDR Report is a lengthy technical document which becomes challenging for engineering applicants. We at AustraliaCDRHelp.Com offer you the most trusted, authentic, satisfactory, top-notch quality, and affordable CDR writing Help. We are associated with working engineers (MNC) to assist you in framing your report. You can get your CDR services done perfectly by our writers on time.
As we know CDR for Australia is a lengthy piece of writing as well as a time-consuming task. It requires you to invest sufficient time in research, brainstorming, writing, and editing.

A CDR comprises three primary elements that are:

CPD (Continuing professional development) report

A CPD is a mode by which you keep yourself up-to-date with the development in the engineering field after you have completed your undergraduate qualification. You have to list all your CPD in a proper format containing title, date, duration, venue, and organizer details. It may include the details of:

  • Formal post-graduation study details;
  • Workshops, seminars, discussion groups, technical inspections, technical meetings, and short courses you have attended;
  • Conferences you have attended and at which you have delivered papers;
  • Preparation and presentation of materials for seminars, symposia, courses, and conferences; Private study including books, journals, manuals, etc.

Three Career Episodes

You have to prepare three career episodes that demonstrate your engineering education and work. Each career episode you write should be based on different aspects of your engineering activities. You must write each career episode focusing on how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills to solve complex engineering problems. Each career episode should be in the following format:

  • Introduction: It introduces your readers to the career episodes that include the chronology, the geographical location, and the name of the organization.
  • Background: It implies the context in which you have been studying or working.
  • Personal Engineering Activity: It describes in-depth the actual work performed by you and how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills.
  • Summary: It sums up all your engineering activities and your role in them.

A summary statement

After completing career episodes, you have to analyze them and make sure you have addressed all the competency elements in the nominated occupation. It means you have to demonstrate the analysis results in the summary statement. The summary statement cross-references your competency elements mentioned in the particular paragraph of a career episode.

Other Related Link: CDR Writers Australia