1. Introduction:

CE 1.1

This career episode is the illustration of my Research Project on Energy Efficiency in Building. The project is tilted as ‘An Internet of Things based Energy Monitoring System for a Mining Hut’ and it was meant to be submitted in Month/Year and started in Month/Year. The whole project duration was Month/Year to Month/Year. I completed my master’s degree from College of SHEEMurdoch University, Western Australia

  1. Background:

CE 1.2

Nowadays, the only solution towards sustainable future is the efficient use of energy resources which makes it necessary to improve the energy efficiency in the workforce sector which will drop significantly not only the emission of greenhouse gases but will also offer comfort to many people. That’s why, this project was developed to provide an optimum solution for improving thermal performance of a Mining Hut. In this research, both the heating and cooling energy were optimizedintending to maintain the thermal comfort of the occupants.

The core objective of this research project is the energy optimization of HVAC system of Mining Hut with the help of Internet of Things based energy monitoring system by installing smart sensors and energy meters. During the tenure of this project, the Mining Hut was monitored for more than three months for get full understanding regarding the variation in temperature and energy load of Mining Hut. The monitoring phase provided the extensive knowledge on the building’s thermal energy requirements by evaluating time lag, heat losses, energy load, and decrement factor of the building to recommend the required the changes to enhance energy efficiency of a workforce building.

CE 1.3

I was accountable for the following tasks:

  • Conducted an extensive literature survey on the given research topic.
  • Prepared the work methodology, selected the equipment for monitoring, performed mapping of the monitoring points, and analyzed the monitored data.
  • Discussed the analysis results with the supervisor and calculated heat losses inside the mining hut building.
  • Arranged frequent meetings and developed the weekly progress reports
  • Abided the international standards and developed the final thesis document.


  1. Introduction:

CE 2.1

The aforementioned career episode is the illustration of the main project to obtain the degree of Master in Renewable and Sustainable Energy. The project is named Analysis of an Existing House in Terms of Passive Solar Design and Energy Rating with Potential Improvements for Energy Efficiency. It was started in Month/Year and Completed in Month/Year.

  1. Background:

CE 2.2

Nowadays, it is become significant to improve the residential sector’s energy efficiency to reduce energy usage within the built environment and to enhance thermal comfort by reducing heating and cooling energy loads in the residential sector. Improving energy efficiency primarily in the residential sector is of utmost important to reduce the energy consumption as well as maintaining the thermal comfort inside the building, it is important to study and examine an existing residential building to analyze the potential improvements that can be made both in terms of minor changes in the building design as well as the amount of retrofitting that will be required. Therefore, in this project, an existing residential house was analyzed in terms of orientation, zoning, and required thermal mass requirements based on its climatic information and the type of material that was being used to build the house to improve the passive solar design. To improve its energy efficiency, the electrical appliances being used in the house were audited to perform the energy rating of the building using NABERS energy rating to tool to examine the devices that consume a high amount of electricity. In this project, the residential house that was studied in terms to improve energy efficiency and passive solar design was 11 Bungaree Road, Wilson and it comprises 3 bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, laundry, and washroom. The house has underground power and sewage system

CE 2.3

I performed the following major tasks:

  • Studied the residential house background, floor plan, and described the existing design of the house in terms of passive design principles of location.
  • Analyzed different characteristics of the existing house i.e. zoning, window, shading, etc.
  • Conducted analysis to improve the energy-efficient house.
  • Developed the project documents and the project flowchart.


  1. Introduction:

CE 3.1

In this third career episode, I am going to explain the project ‘Energy Audit and Potential Ways of Energy Reduction in a Domestic House’. It was commenced by me during the final year of my master’s degree in Renewable and Sustainable Development. The total project duration was Month/Year to Month/Year.

  1. Background:

CE 3.2

This project will analyze the amount of energy that is being consumed by a domestic house in order to reduce the energy usage by 10% and 40% through an energy audit program that will calculate the consumption of electricity, fuel and gas over a period of one year by focusing on the monthly consumption through representing the data in the form of tables and charts to undergo Pareto analysis. Energy Audit through Pareto analysis was performed to provide a clear picture of the highest energy consuming appliances that are being used in the domestic house. As the energy supply includes Tariffs for gas and electricity, the conduction of energy audit program will help to find the impact of these tariffs for the cost analysis of energy consumption.

This project’s core objective was to focus on highest energy consuming devices in order to adopt energy efficiency measures using modern or existing technology in a domestic house to help in achieving energy efficiency target of a nation. The data collection is limited to average use of an appliance including the peak load usage of electricity. This project primarily focuses on energy usage reduction rather than analyzing cost reduction level for the prices for which energy usage is being charged.

CE 3.3

The following tasks were conducted by be:

  • Calculated the total amount of consumption of energy in domestic house.
  • Performed Pareto Analysis and developed the energy mass balance diagram
  • Provided the ways to reduce the Energy Consumption.
  • Involved in the documentation process.
  • Organized meetings with the supervisor.

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