a) Introduction:
1.1 This episode is the elucidation of the academic project which was carried out to fulfill the requirement of the MINE6035-Rock and Soil slope Engineering course. It was named “Design and Study of Slope Stabilization”. I was selected as a team leader by the supervisor (Dr. Mostafa Sharifzadeh) because of my communication skills and competencies &fundamental understanding of slope stabilization theories. The time allocated to commence and complete this project was from September 2020 to November 2020. The research work was conducted in the engineering department of Curtin University,
b) Background:
1.2 The prime focus of this project was toassume different cases which can significantly affect the stability of the concerned footwall and derive relevant outcomes. Therefore, in this case, the project was divided into three categories, i.e. first step involved entering all three material properties of the footwall along with secure output, such as UCS, cohesion, etc. Afterward, the given dip and dip directions of the location mentioned were added in the stereo net analysis and found that direct toppling failure is the only collapse that is happening. Then, in the second step, the provided values were entered into the rock topple software to obtain the factor of safety. Next, in the third step,Swedge analysis was conducted to find out the presence of any swedge failure and it was observed that no wedge formation was present.
1.5 My duties as a team leader are as follows:
- Underwent a study on soil stabilization of the open pit to enhance my understanding of the project.
- Determined stability parameters like cohesion, friction angle, and uniaxial strength to analyze and compare the stability difference seen in the case of each material.
- PerformingStereo net analysis is done to determine what type of failure is present.
- Analyzed Roc Topple failure dimensionally and determined the factor of safety.
- Performed Swedge analysis by adding the appropriate input parameters.
- Carried out design and analysis of the footwall.
- Analyzed maximum displacement and factor of safety for impact due to shear strength on slope stability, friable zone upon slope stability, dewatering upon slope stability, and ground support upon rock stability.
- Arranged team meetings to discuss project working strategies and developed a timeline to manage the project work.
- Attended technical meetings and prepared reports including all details.
a) Introduction:
2.1 The project presented in this episode was performed to fulfill the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Engineering Science (Mining Engineering) from Curtain University. It was termed “Real-Time Rock Strength Monitoring Through Internet of Things (IoT)”. The project was started in March 2020 and completed in November 2020 and all activities were carried out in the Department of Mining Engineering & Metallurgical Engineering under the supervision of the supervisor (Dr. Mostafa Sharifzadeh)
b) Background:
2.2 No doubt, sudden roof failures keep the life of workers underground and the whole mining crew at risk.Also, certain seismic events will influence the rock bolts installed and they can unpredictably have failures. To eliminate this a spontaneous action or a predicting working environment is a lifesaver, especially in underground mines. In this project, the Rock bolt and its arrangement present in a Mine in Goldfields was analyzed.Initially, the required rock bolt wasanalyzed and the sensor layout was determined which covers all the required areas of the rock bolt. This indicatedan accurate result of a force acting. Since it is not economical and feasible to add a sensor to every rock bolt, therefore, a detailed analysis of the given area of excavation was performed with locations of high stress and low stress was determined. Then,based on this analysis, the layout of the bolt was determined. After adding the sensor, the data obtained through the sensor was connected further to an Arduino Nanochip. Furthermore, an online coding required was added to the chip. This provided a warning by an outbreak of sound from the adjacent connected alarm when the force acting on exceeds the threshold limit acting upon. This data was then sent by Bluetooth to the developed android application and triggereda warning.
2.5 In this project, I was accountable to work on the following tasks:
- Conducted background research on rock bolting which is used as a support for rock from rock failures.
- Understood the project’s problem statement and then brainstormed to find out a feasible solution to overcome the current problem.
- Proposed research methodology and experimental/analytical design.
- Collected components required to develop a system as per technical specifications.
- Desi Rockbolt and connection and prepared experimental setup.
- Observed working of the sensor in the system.
- Analyzed types of failures that can affect the strength of the rock bolt.
- Performed stress calculations and software coding (JAVA) & execution.
a) Introduction:
3.1 The aforesaid episode is the description of a group project called “Advanced Resource Modelling and Estimation” where I performed my engineering duties and demonstrate project management skills as a group leader. In this project, a real case study was proposed to carry out orebody resource estimation using a software tool. The supervisor was instructed to complete the research work within a Month/Year. So, based on this timeline, I commenced project work on Month/Year and completed them in June 2020. This core project was conducted in the Mining Engineering Department of Curtin University to fulfill the course/subject requirement.
b) Background:
3.2 A real deposit was considered located on the eastern margin of the Laverton Tectonic Belt in the North Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. It is hosted by a north-south striking granodiorite/syenite intrusion through the andesite host rock. Gold mineralization is majority hosted in a granodiorite/syenite intrusion with lower grade mineralization being present in the andesite country rock. Mineralization strikes north-north-west with a -40-degree dip to the west. Mineralization represents as strong hematite alteration through the intrusions with coarse pyrite. The mineralized zone consists of multiple mineralized zones over ~100m of thickness, 250m of north-south strike length, and 250m of dip length. Most zones display moderate continuity with individual zones being up to 40m thick and 100m of dip length. Mineralization is dominantly hosted within a granodiorite zone with a syenite intrusive on the western margin but also extends into the andesite country rock but is generally of lower grade and continuity.
3. 5 Being a team leader, I was involved in the following major tasks:
- Studied required tasks provided by the supervisor and reviewed data files compiled from the exploration process by a geologist.
- Carried out estimation of ore body using Vulcan software by determining drill hole database.
- Viewed load and drillhole database both graphically and in database format
- Developed 10 horizontal sections and created a polygon modal for each section.
- Performed orebody modeling by designing a block model and assigned grades using the inverse distance grade estimation method.
- Calculated the reserve for the interpolation method.
- Developed a Grade-Tonnage Curve.
- Prepared a report and submitted it to the supervisor.
- Arranged meetings to discuss work strategies.