How To Make CDR For Engineers Australia?

To get the assessor, Engineers Australia’s approval for skilled Australian immigration, you will have to prepare a high-quality CDR (competency demonstration report) complying with all the norms and procedure. You have to exhibit your engineering knowledge and skills so effectively and efficiently that it can catch EA’s attention for successful assessment. You need to take care of various things while writing your report, which you will get to know.

A competency demonstration report is an extensive piece of writing that requires your utmost effort and a great amount of time. Before you begin writing your CDR Australia , you have to plan your writing and prepare all the necessary documents as well. After nominating your preferred occupational category, you can initiate writing. It comprises three elements;

  1. Career Episodes,
  2. A Summary Statement, And
  3. A CPD.

Writing 3 Career Episodes (CEs)

You need to provide three career episodes, where each episode should demonstrate how you applied your engineering talent and knowledge in the nominated occupation. Each career should be based on different aspects of your engineering activities. Career episodes are the integral and key assessable part of your application, so you must write them efficiently. You may base your career episodes on the following:

  • An academic task that you have undertaken in the final year of your engineering degree or mini project or engineering internship.
  • An engineering project or activity that you have worked on or are currently working on.

You must display units and elements of competency on your knowledge and skills base, engineering application ability, and professional and personal attributes. Your each career episode should follow the proper format:


Attention !

 You must write each narrative in a minimum of 1000 words and a maximum of 2500 words. You must format each narrative in an essay form and do not format into a table.

  • Introduction (around 150 words): It tells your readers about your career episodes including the dates and duration of your career episodes, the geographical location where the experience was gained, and the organization’s name.
  • Background (200 to 500 words): It describes briefly the nature of your overall engineering project and the objective of the project.
  • Personal Engineering Activity (600 to 1500 words): It interprets the actual work done by you. This section may describe; what you did and then how you did it, how you applied your engineering knowledge and skills, and any technical difficulty you encountered and how you solved them.
  • Summary (50 to 150 words): It summarizes your overall engineering activity and your role in it such as how the project fared in accomplishing the objective and goals, and how your personal role contributed to the project.

Summary Statement

You have to provide a summary statement showing your key competency element with a particular paragraph in career episodes where it occurs. To frame a summary statement perfectly, first, you need to analyze the career episodes to ensure you have addressed all the competency elements in the nominated occupation. Then, provide the analysis result in the summary statement. You must prepare a summary statement according to your preferred nominated occupation:

  • Summary Statement for Professional Engineer: You must address competency units and elements in the summary statement as a professional engineer. You can download the format of this summary statement from Engineers Australia website.
  • Summary Statement for Engineering Technologist: You must address competency units and elements in the summary statement as an engineering technologist. You can download the format of this summary statement from Engineers Australia website.
  • Summary Statement for Engineering Associate: You must address competency units and elements in the summary statement as an engineering associate. You can download the format of this summary statement from Engineers Australia website.
  • Summary Statement for Engineering Manager: You must address competency units and elements in the summary statement as an engineering manager. You can download the format of this summary statement from Engineers Australia website.
CPD (Continuing Professional Development)

You must provide a list of CPD to demonstrate how you have kept yourself updated with the development in the engineering field after completing your undergraduate qualification. You must format your CPD in a table format (title, date, duration, location, and organizer. You may include the following details:

  • The formal post graduation study details
  • Conferences you have attended and where you have delivered papers
  • Seminars, workshops, short courses, discussion groups, technical inspection and technical meetings that you have attended
  • Study of books, journals, and manuals that you have done privately

Essential Tips While Framing Australia CDR report

  • You must write each career episode in your own words and in the English language. Your career episodes must be based on the work done by you and must be plagiarism-free. Presenting the work conducted by others as your own words, or copying other’s information is considered as plagiarism.

Pay attention:

 If your career episodes are written by another person and constitute any unethical conduct or behavior, your application may be rejected and your candidature may be cancelled for a 12, 24, or 36 month.

  • You must write each career episode in the first-person singular pronoun clearly demonstrating your own personal role in the work described.

Pay attention:

 It is what I did not what we did or what ‘I was involve in’ and then illustrate how you did it.

  • You must number each of your career episodes and the paragraphs within as it is necessary to prepare your summary statement. You can number your career episode in the given manner:

Career Episode 1

(Paragraph 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and so on)

Career Episode 2

(Paragraph 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, and so on)

Career Episode 3

(Paragraph 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and so on)

Related Link:- CDR Writers Australia