CDR For Telecommunications Network Engineer

The preparation of a CDR application for migration skills assessment is crucial if you are looking for a job opportunity in Australia. Whether you want to get a skilled migration visa or permanent residency in Australia, you will have to lodge a CDR (competency demonstration report) application for skills assessment. The leading professional and assessing body in Australia, Engineers Australia (EA) assesses the competency demonstration reports to check the eligibility of candidates in the nominated occupation. You are required to get EA’s approval through skills assessment to ensure your Australian immigration.

If you are unable to create your CDR for Telecommunications Network Engineer, you can opt for our CDR services by visiting us at AustraliaCDRHelp.Com.

What is CDR in Telecommunications Network Engineering?

It is mandatory to prepare a telecommunications network engineering CDR if you are looking for your Australian immigration. You have to exhibit your skills and knowledge as a telecommunications network engineer in the nominated occupational category. You are required to nominate your preferred occupational category (professional engineer, engineering technologist, engineering associate, and engineering manager) before you begin writing your CDR application. To lodge your CDR application successfully, you have to prepare the following documents:

  • Personal documentation such as prime ID, a passport-style photograph, name change document (if any), English language test result, and resume/CV
  • Academic certificates and official transcripts and any other relevant academic certificates
  • Three elements of CDR; three career episodes, a summary statement, and a CPD

Telecom Network Engineer Job Responsibility in Australia

A telecommunications network engineer plans, designs, and monitors complex telecommunications networks and associated broadcasting equipment. A telecommunications network engineer is also known as a communications specialist (ICT), telecommunication specialist, and telecommunication consultant. In Australia, a number of tasks are done by telecommunications network engineers, some of them are:

  • Determine the type of arrangement of circuits, transformers, circuit breakers, transmission lines, and equipment.
  • Design, build, configure, and commission devices, networks, and systems, and ensure system interconnect with equipment from different manufacturers, service providers, and users.
  • Compile engineering project proposals to describe goals, identify scope, background, and requirements, and ascertain the cost of the project.
  • Ensure adherence to laws, regulations, policies, and procedures in the provision of systems.
  • Determine the proper configuration of hardware and software, ensuring the desired performance of equipment.
  • Identify and analyze issues and needs of existing systems to determine the proper means of correcting current and upcoming problems and improve communications.

Telecommunications Network Engineer Salary in Australia

The average annual salary of a telecommunications network engineer in Australia is $122,101. The entry-level salary starts at $96,597 per year while the most experienced telecommunications network engineers make up to $144,860 per year. The salaries vary according to their skills, knowledge, and experiences.

How To Make CDR Report for Telecommunications Network Engineering For Engineers Australia (EA)?

Creating a compelling CDR for Engineers Australia is one of the most challenging tasks for telecommunications network engineers. You definitely have to devote a significant amount of time if you are going to prepare a CDR for skills assessment. A competency demonstration report carries the following elements:

Three Career Episodes

You have to draft three career episodes to define your engineering education and work experiences. You have to illustrate your engineering skills and knowledge in the telecommunications network engineering field through your career episodes. Each episode must state how you applied your engineering abilities in the nominated occupation. Before you initiate writing your career episodes, you have to choose proper projects to define your skills perfectly. Each career episode must be written in an essay form. You should write each episode’s narrative in around 1000 words to 2500 words. Format each career episode in the following manner:

  • Introduction: Give your readers an introduction about your career episodes.
  • Background: Provide a context in which you have been studying or working.
  • Personal engineering activity: Illustrate the actual work performed by you such as what you did and how you did it successfully.
  • Summary: Summarize all your engineering activities and your role in them.

Summary Statement

You must draft a summary statement for all your career episodes. After the completion of career episodes, you have to evaluate them to check whether you have addressed all the competency elements in the nominated occupation or not. You must show the analysis result in the summary statement.

CPD (continuing professional development) statement

You have to prepare a list of CPD in a table format consisting of title, date, duration, location, and organizer details. A CPD states how you have upgraded your knowledge with the development in the engineering field after your undergraduate qualifications. You may include the details of your post-graduation study and the conferences, seminars, workshops, discussion groups, and short courses you have attended.

Tips Remember While Writing CDR for Telecom Network Engineering

You must frame your competency demonstration report complying with all the guidelines and procedures.

  • You must write each narrative in your own words by following the Australian Standard English.
  • You must provide documentary evidence of employment if you base your career episodes on your engineering work experiences.
  • You must number each of your career episodes and the paragraphs within so that you can refer to them later in the summary statement.
  • You must write in active voice and first-person singular pronouns.
  • Do not plagiarize other’s information as EA strictly prohibits plagiarism.
  • To avoid your CDR rejection, you must keep your documents free from syntax and grammatical mistakes.

Australian visa options for Telecommunications Network Engineer – ANZSCO 263312

Skilled Occupation


Assessing Authority

189 Visa

190 Visa

Telecommunications Network Engineer


Engineers Australia



Visa processing times-months (75%)



Visa processing times-months (90%)



11/08/2020 Round Results:

11/08/2020 (current)

189 Visa

491 Visa (Provisional) (Family Sponsored)

Number of total invitations



Points Score



Visa date of effect



14/07/2020 (Previous)

189 Visa

491 Visa (Provisional) (Family Sponsored)

Points Score



Visa date of effect



How Australia CDR Help assists in preparing a CDR for Telecommunications Network Engineer?

We are the most sought-after CDR helpers in Australia. We are known for our high-quality and trusted CDR help services. Many engineering aspirants have succeeded in their skills assessment by getting our services. We are available with a great team of professional writers to assist you in drafting your CDR report.

You can get your report written expertly on time if you hire our experts. We offer you round-the-clock and hassle-free services along with several features.